Triple Whale Review: The one-stop assistance for online business in 2024

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  • Post last modified:November 7, 2023

Starting an online business in 2024 is not an easy task, you need to have the right tools at your disposal, in this comprehensive Triple Whale review, we will delve into a leading analytics solution that has redefined the way companies interact with metrics and data. Triple Whale emerges as a game-changer, simplifying the process of understanding e-commerce and marketing data from various tools. With a laser-focused approach to empowering businesses, this platform allows you to make better decisions for your brand. Let’s explore the world of Triple Whale and how it can transform your data insights.

All in one glance

Triple Whale provides an all-encompassing dashboard, replacing the need to switch between multiple apps and tools. Confidence in decision-making is heightened when you have access to a wealth of critical data. Key metrics provided on the home page include:

  • Facebook ad spend and ROAS
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR) on Google Analytics
  • Average Order Value (AOV) on Google Analytics
  • Sessions-to-Sales Ratio and revenue per session (RPS)
  • Store and blended ROAS
  • Orders to Ad Spend ratio
  • Profit
Triple Whale data dash board

This technology seamlessly integrates with widely used platforms such as Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Google Analytics, Shopify, Klaviyo, and Gorgias. It’s worth noting that Triple Whale is actively working on expanding its integrations, ensuring you can extract data from various environments effortlessly.

Immersive data insights

Triple Whale goes beyond convenience; it’s a cost-effective and reliable solution for maximizing your data’s potential. It acts as a central source of truth for your e-commerce store and marketing strategy. Accessible via a mobile app or desktop dashboard, you can customize the view to cater to your unique needs.

What’s exceptional about Triple Whale is the “Pixel” technology, often referred to as Triple Pixel. It provides a comprehensive view of the customer journey, going beyond first and last-click attribution. By utilizing third-party data, it tracks the entire customer journey, empowering you to make informed decisions about your campaigns and advertising.

Triple Whale review

Triple Whale also enables you to factor in operational costs, giving you a clear view of net profit rather than just ROAS. The integrated calculator allows you to set goals and assess the potential impact of changes to your conversion rate, providing valuable insights into your profit projections.

AI Integration

With the recent advancement of AI, Triple Whale has also adapted to the landscape and included it into their service, so features include a chatbot like ChatGPT,tell you the products that are getting solved based on inventory and product analytics with AI, and a unique feature that provides you with a daily summary of your brand.

Triple Whale AI


The cost of Triple Whale can be determined by the revenue achieved by your company in the previous year. Aside from your revenue, the sort of membership you choose is another differentiation for Triple Whale pricing. They provide you with the option to customize your plan and before you make the big commitment, you can get a FREE demo !!!

Triple Whale price

Who is Triple Whale for

Triple Whale is a simple, well-designed solution for eCommerce owners who want to make decisions based on in-depth statistical data and stay on top of the key insights from their business.

Though it can be used by a wide range of companies, a complex data aggregator like Triple Whale is ideally suited for medium to large companies conducting campaigns across several channels including Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Snapchat, Tiktok, and so on.

The annual revenue for businesses that currently use Triple Whale falls anywhere from less than $250k per year to more than $50M a year.

Pros vs Cons


  • All-in-one, customizable dashboard shows key metrics from all integrated software 
  • Automatically pulls data from integrated platforms to show key insights
  • No coding knowledge is required even for advanced configurations
  • Dashboards can be placed on other platforms and websites
  • Offers advanced reporting and predictive analytics features
  • Better attribution features than popular advertising platforms


  • The relatively new software is still in the beta stage
  • Inventory Management and Customer Segmentation haven’t been made available yet
  • Only available for the Shopify platform

Final Verdict

If you don’t want to juggle multiple apps and services to track your performance, Triple Whale emerges as a welcome solution. Its web and mobile apps are user-friendly, offering actionable data insights. With Triple Whale, you can elevate your business analytics strategies and make informed decisions about your company’s future. It’s a reliable platform that empowers you to navigate the complex world of data with ease.

In conclusion, Triple Whale is a transformative tool that simplifies data analysis, fosters informed decision-making, and streamlines business operations. It’s an investment in your business’s future, ensuring that you have the insights and tools needed to stay ahead in today’s competitive landscape.

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