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Secretlab Titan Evo 2022 review, Still the ULTIMATE gaming chair 2023?

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  • Post last modified:September 15, 2023

In the world of gaming chairs, comfort is king. Many leave you with a sore back and a night of restless sleep. Secretlab Titan Evo, however, changed the game with its line of gaming chairs. These chairs are not your run-of-the-mill options; they are a true evolution of the gaming chair formula. If you’re someone who spends long hours at your desk and values both style and comfort then this is the perfect choice for your setup, but the real question is does it still hold up 1 year later, let’s find out.

Design and Features

The Secretlab Titan Evo represents a significant step forward for Secretlab, as it consolidates the Omega and Titan lines into one, offering three sizes: Small, Regular, and XL. The design maintains that familiar racing chair look, which gamers have come to love. However, it’s the thoughtful enhancements and ergonomic features that truly set these chairs apart.

Secretlab titan evo 2022


Whether you prefer fabric or leather, the Titan Evo has you covered. The leather option, now known as NEO Hybrid Leatherette, boasts an impressive promise of being “12x more durable than regular PU leather.” This is achieved through a resin top layer and a fiber-reinforced base. On the other hand, the Softweave Plus version improves durability and breathability. Having experienced the NEO Hybrid Leatherette version myself, I can attest to its immediate softness and ease of cleaning.

Secretlab titan evo 2022


The Secretlab Titan Evo offers a wide range of customization options, with the NEO version available in five different colors and the Softweave Plus version offering even more variety, including unique shades like pink, green, and blue. The attention to detail in the stitching and embroidery is impeccable, showcasing Secretlab’s commitment to quality.


The Titan Evo’s biggest leap forward is in ergonomics. Secretlab collaborated with an advisory board consisting of academics, mechanical engineers, and industry experts to design a chair that combines the support of ergonomic chairs with the features gamers crave. The L-Adapt lumbar support system is a game-changer, allowing you to adjust both the height and flexibility of the lumbar support to match your unique back shape. This system ensures that you receive the perfect level of support, whether you’re gaming, working, or relaxing.

Other ergonomic improvements include a redesigned seat base with a waterfall edge for better blood flow and a flatter seat for accommodating various sitting positions. The chair uses Secretlab’s proprietary cold cure foam, now slightly softer, providing immediate comfort.


The armrests have also received an upgrade. The CloudSwap armrest pads, held in place by magnets, are remarkably soft and adjustable, eliminating the discomfort often associated with extended use.


Assembling the Titan Evo is a breeze, even if you’ve never built a gaming chair before. Secretlab’s packaging is thorough and includes a helpful assembly guide. The process took about 20 minutes. Notably, the backrest attachment is simplified thanks to a clever metal bracket system, making it easier than ever to assemble.


The true test of any gaming chair is its performance, and the Titan Evo excels in this department. The reworked cold cure foam strikes an ideal balance between comfort and support. It feels softer from the start, reducing the time it takes to break in compared to previous models.

The armrests, now softer with PU foam pads, keep elbow soreness at bay during extended sessions. Their adjustability makes it easy to find the perfect position for your needs, whether you’re typing or gaming.

The L-Adapt lumbar system is a standout feature. It ensures that you maintain proper back support, even during extended use. While it may take a day or two to adjust to sitting correctly, the long-term benefits are well worth it.

Pros & Cons


  • +Excellent adjustable lumbar support
  • +Build quality and leatherette finish
  • +Up to 180kg weight support


  • -Expensive


The Secretlab Titan Evo 2022 is more than just a gaming chair; it’s a game-changer for your dream setup. With its outstanding ergonomic design, customizable options, and ease of assembly, it sets the standard in the gaming chair market. If you’re tired of sacrificing comfort for style or vice versa, the Titan Evo offers the perfect blend of both. Say goodbye to the discomfort of ordinary gaming chairs and experience the evolution of gaming comfort with the Titan Evo 2022.

With that being said the Secretlab Titan Evo 2022 has aced the test and remains one of the best gaming chairs out there for any gamers to choose from, until Secretlab itself again with a later model, if you are interested then stay tuned for the review !!